About Us
Triple Creeks Consulting guides organizations towards transformative, values-based success with practical solutions to common strategic & operational challenges.
Our vision is to create a world where equitable, adaptable, and forward-thinking work cultures thrive by caring for their teams, navigating change with agility, and leaving the planet better than we found it.
Our Core Team
Our Partners
Our Portfolio
We’re working on systemic change, from the ground (water)💧up.
What we do isn’t simple or straightforward. This is not urgent work; it’s mindful, dynamic & impactful.
Organic, sustainable growth begins with a systems thinking approach. We nurture the roots & cultivate the soil with our services so your project can bloom brilliantly.
Our Values
Triple Creeks nurtures a related, transparent, inclusive, and empathetic work culture. The Triple Creeks team embodies the cool waters that the brand suggests. We not only smother the fires of unhealthy work spaces, but also build tools to prevent more from happening. With this deep sense of relatedness, our team shows up as engaged, honest, and caring towards each other and our clients. We work to embody these organizational values:

We work with you to streamline & analyze existing systems, workflows and technology solutions, identifying places to grow and make work more efficient, sustainable and relevant in changing times.
Our work is informed by organic, symbiotic systems. We like best to work within sectors that create meaningful change, leaving the planet better than we inherited it.
We are committed to shifting the current cultural paradigm & prioritize working with organizations that share in this commitment. We work – on ourselves, and — with you to resist the “urgency” and perfectionism of capitalist, patriarchal, and white supremacist culture.
Our Commitment to Cultivating an Inclusive Work Culture